الملف التجاري: معلومات الاتصال ، آراء العملاء ، التصنيف والاعتماد ، شكاوى العملاء ، تفاصيل العمل



Smart Electronics For Communications & Networking Solutions

1-communication & computer Networking 2-Electrical power & Solar Energy system And we provide to our customers a technical advice and complete solutions in these Fields We are a distributor for most of the trusted brands in communication, computer networks And Electrical power COMMUNICATION: Panasonic PBX, Japan Texecom Intruder Alarms, UK Thorn fire alarm, UK V2 auto gates, Italy Commax - Farfisa intercoms, Korea and Italy Sony-AVtech Hikvision-Fine for CCTV, COMPUTER NETWORKING : 1- Nexans (cables and cabling solutions) France 2-Tera (Rack Cabinet and network passive components) Spain 3-KUWES (network passive components) Taiwan 4-Belden (network passive components) USA 5-Linksys, cisco, HP, D-link, TP-link (Network active components) Electrical power 1- ASTRED, DELTA, POWERCOM, IDEAL (UPS) 2-YUASA, NEWMAX, CSB, ULTRACELL LONG powersonic (Rechargeable batteries) 3- Electrical Protection units

جهات الاتصال

Mall Shop, 4, 23 الاسيوطي، St, محافظة القاهرة‬ 11774


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